M&B Monthly: August 2021

Four People Standing Close To Each Other | Guardianship Lawyers | Myatt & Bell, P.C.

In this edition of M&B Monthly…

From the President: Introducing our New Grown & Flown Package

Grown and Flown, by Dina Weathers

Estate Planning Seminars: A Benefit For Your Employees

A Little About Us… Highlighting Attorney Dina Weathers & Her Favorite Pasta Salad Recipe

Myatt & Bell Team Building Event at K1 Speed

Letter from the President, Justin Martin:
Introducing Our Grown & Flown Package



In our service of clients, we are uniquely positioned to observe trends in client questions and concerns. One such trend is parent concern that they lack the legal ability to obtain information and care for their child in response to a medical emergency after the child attains 18 years of age or more. As we anticipate the close of summer and the return of students to school, especially during our nation’s health concerns, this month we’re highlighting an article by Dina Weathers, attorney at Myatt & Bell, P.C. Dina will also be hosting a Zoom question and answer session on August 25th at 4:30pm, so please call 503-641-6262 or email jamim@myattandbell.com to RSVP.

Grown and Flown—What documents do young adult children need to protect themselves? by Dina Weathers

Do you have an 18-year-old headed off to college? Or even a young adult making their way in the world? You might be surprised to learn that they too should have some estate planning documents in place to help protect them both financially and health-wise.

For example, did you know that without legal documents in place a hospital or doctor will not allow you to make important medical decisions for your adult child, even in emergency situations? It’s true. Imagine receiving a call at 1:00 a.m. from an ER personnel in another state asking for verification of your adult child’s insurance benefits. The care provider will not share any other information about the adult child’s condition other than the fact that he/she is in the emergency room at a particular hospital. Imagine the panic that this parent would feel–sitting and waiting, calling the child’s cell phone over and over, before eventually learning with great relief that the child has just sprained his or her arm. This happens. HIPAA laws protect an adult’s right to medical privacy, but the laws also often prevent our loved ones from gaining valuable information about our medical condition so that important decisions can be made.

In addition, banks and other financial institutions also will not allow you to have access to your child’s accounts should an adult child become incapacitated in some way.

We often think only older adults need estate planning documents. But the truth is, all adults need certain legal documents to help protect their finances and their health should they become incapacitated and unable to speak for themselves. I know I want my loved ones to make important decisions for me if I am unable to do so. Wouldn’t our children want the same?

Here are five legal documents, known as our “Grown and Flown” Package, that every young adult should have, and that every parent should want:

  1. HIPAA Authorization: A Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Authorization allows an adult child to give his or her parent(s) permission to ask for and receive information from healthcare providers about the child’s medical condition, progress and treatment plan. Without this authorization, a parent cannot obtain any medical information about their child without a court order.
  2. Healthcare Power of Attorney: A Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA) allows an adult child to appoint a parent, or whomever they wish, to make important medical decisions for them if they are unable to do so themselves.
  3. Property Power of Attorney: A Property Power of Attorney (POA), also referred to as a Durable POA, allows an adult child to appoint a parent to make financial decisions for them if they are unable to do so themselves.
  4. Advanced Directive: An Advance Directive is an end-of-life decision making document. It allows an adult child to express wishes in end-of-life situations, as well as appoint a representative to support and enforce those decisions.
  5. Nomination of Guardian and Conservator: A Guardian is a court-appointed person to make decisions about someone’s physical well-being and a Conservator is a court-appointed person to make decisions about finances. A Nomination of Guardian and Conservator allows an adult child to nominate who they would want these persons to be should the need arise.

We provide our “Grown and Flown” Package for a flat fee of $500. If you are interested in getting started or know someone who is, please select from the links below or go to our website and select Grown & Flown Package. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact our office at (503) 641-6262.

I’m a parent + would like to initiate the Grown & Flown Package for my adult child

I would like to initiate the Grown & Flown Package for myself

Schedule A Personalized Complimentary Estate Planning Webinar for Your Place of Business

As a business owner you may be looking for ways to provide valuable benefits and opportunities for your employees that they will appreciate. It’s a way to show you care about your employees beyond the workplace.

Myatt & Bell, PC provides this benefit to you and your employees complimentary. Our estate planning seminar or online live webinar can be a great, no obligation, learning opportunity for your staff. They will learn about Wills, Trusts, probate, estate taxes and the value of having certain documents prepared for protecting their finances and health if they become incapacitated or unable to speak for themselves. If we come to your office for an in-person Webinar we will even provide refreshments for your team!

Please reach out to Jami Martin our Client Relationship Manager to start planning and your personalized complimentary estate planning webinar or seminar. You can also join one of our ongoing public live Estate Planning Informational Webinar by clicking here.

Recent Comments from Myatt & Bell Clients

“Thank you for answering my questions. You are always clear in your answers. I really appreciate your help, as always.” – Maida

“…..very knowledgeable, professional, and patient…explanations were clear and concise. I never felt rushed or hurried. Questions were encouraged and answered in full. I appreciated that they offered to work and follow-through with my accountant and financial advisor on my behalf. I was very pleased that he charged a flat fee, which included phone calls and e-mails from me as needed… completed the changes to the family trust in an extremely reasonable amount of time. Thank you…very capable, gracious staff. I highly recommend you to others who need estate planning. You made the process relatively painless for me!” – Bonnie

A Little About Us…

Dina Weathers

Dina Weathers – Attorney

  • Most rewarding part of Estate Planning: Meeting clients and getting to know them and their families.
  • Favorite free time activity: Hanging out with my family, doing anything they will agree to do with me – I have two teenagers, need I say more?
  • Best vacation: I have lots of good memories from vacations with my family, but my husband and I did a tandem bike tour around the San Juan Islands that was amazing! We ate yummy food and saw beautiful scenery – the crab bisque in Roche Harbor can’t be beat. I think the San Juan Islands, on a sunny day, are the most beautiful place on earth!

Dina’s Greek-Style Pasta Salad

  • 1 pound of pasta – preferably Strozzapreti but any kind works
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 box of multi-colored cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup of kalamata olives cut in half
  • ½ cup of drained capers
  • 2 cups of feta cheese
  • ½ red onion
  • Italian dressing to taste – we prefer Paul Newman’s Italian
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Parsley for some green, preferably flat leaf – small handful
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Cook and cool pasta.
  2. Thinly slice bell peppers and red onion, julienne style.
  3. Soak the red onions for a bit in the red wine vinegar.
  4. Half the cherry tomatoes.
  5. Mix everything together.
  6. It’s good right away but will also be great the next day, once the flavors have had a chance to soak in. I always underdo the dressing initially, then add a little more dressing to taste as you serve yourself.

M&B Staff’s Need for Speed!

The entire Myatt & Bell, P.C. family was finally able to come together again for our first team building event after COVID. What better way to connect than to participate in some friendly competition on the track! Check out some fun pictures from our K1 Speed racing adventure!

Families choose Myatt & Bell to design their estate plans with honest optimism and meticulous attention to detail.

Do You Have Feedback for Us?

Our ask of you – continue to give us feedback about your experience with M&B, and tell us how we can improve and better meet your needs.

And, if you run into someone who needs help with a will or trust with honest optimism and meticulous attention to detail, tell them about Myatt & Bell, P.C.!

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